Wellfleet Steps


This drawing is made up of two separate pieces. The steps and railings are about a half mile away from the background buildings. We were having coffee one morning at a little coffee roaster and café which was in the cellar of an old restaurant in Wellfleet on Cape Cod. We sat outside and I liked the steps and wooden fence but there was really nothing but a dirt parking lot at the top of the steps so that’s as far as the drawing went.


The background is a continuation of a drawing I made from the porch of a house we were renting on Duck Creek in Wellfleet. Duck Creek is a tidal inlet which was originally the harbor of Wellfleet before it silted in so there are beautiful old houses surrounding it. I had done the scene just to the right of this and thought it was a more complete drawing so this one was an orphan. One day I was fooling with a drawing of a boat that needed a background and realized that these two might go together. I was so pleased with the result that I plan to go through all my false starts and seeing if they can be blended together.

Close Ups

The building at the left is a pottery shop with the kiln in the shed on the right.

The steps to nowhere.

Amy, David and Hazel Margaret










All material copyright 2016 Neil Borrell


Text Box: Email   neil@borrellcompany.com